We welcome proposals for symposium presentations (see below for presentation format)
The protection of crayfish snake species rests on understanding factors influencing their biology. However, we recognize that crayfish snake species such as Regina and Lyodites represent components of an interconnected system that support many lifeforms. Consequently, we encourage presentations on other parts of the system that would help us understand freshwater systems occupied by Regina and Lyodytes. Below we outline 7 topics on the ecology of Regina and Lyodites species that we welcome presentations on:
Population dynamics: Life history strategy, survival, habitat use & connectivity, population genetics & phylogeny
Threats to crayfish snakes, crayfish and their habitat: Disease (snakes & crayfish), climate change, water quality, habitat loss and invasives
Habitat and/or prey specialists as models for crayfish snake species recovery
Behaviour and physiology
Advances in technology, sampling or modelling that would increase understanding of knowledge gaps
Stewardship and education related to crayfish snake species or reptile conservation in general
Other topics related to the interconnected systems that may influence these species
Presentations may be in the following format: oral, storytelling or video. All presentations have a duration of 20 minutes (15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes Q&A). Titles and Abstracts are required when submitting proposals for presentations. Important - please read: All presentation proposals are subject to acceptance by the Symposium Committee.